Latest SAS Interview Questions and Answers 2024
SAS is a well-known data analytics tool in the market. SAS is comparable to other leading tools like R and Python when it comes to processing large amounts of data and supporting parallel calculations.
Globally, SAS is a market leader in corporate data analytics jobs. In India, SAS controls about 70% of the data analytics market share compared to 15% for R. If you want to step into Data Analytics, now is an opportune time to start with SAS Certification Training. It covers basic, intermediate, and advanced concepts of SAS, including topics such as data input, data manipulation, reporting, SQL queries, and SAS Macros.
This guide includes questions ranging from simple theoretical concepts to tricky interview questions generally asked in interviews for fresher and experienced SAS programmers. Let's proceed to some of the most important SAS Interview Questions and Answers that can be asked in your SAS interview.
Top 60 SAS Interview Questions and Answers in 2024
1) What is the fundamental construction of the SAS base program?
The fundamental design of SAS comprises:
2) What is the essential syntax style in SAS?
To run the program effectively, you must follow these essential elements:
Copy code
DATA mydata;
INFILE 'H:\StatHW\yourfilename.dat';
INPUT var1 var2 var3;
3) Explain the DATA step in SAS?
The DATA step creates a SAS dataset, which includes the data along with a "data dictionary." The data dictionary holds information about the variables and their attributes.
4) What is PDV (Program Data Vector)?
The Program Data Vector (PDV) is a logical area in memory where SAS builds a dataset one observation at a time. During compilation, SAS creates a data buffer, which holds a record from an external file, and then creates the PDV.
5) What are the data types in a SAS dataset?
SAS datasets contain two data types:
6) Which statement does not perform automatic conversions in comparisons?
In a SAS dataset, the WHERE statement doesn’t perform automatic conversions in comparisons.
7) What is the use of the PROC SUMMARY function?
The PROC SUMMARY procedure calculates descriptive statistics on numeric variables in a SAS dataset. The syntax is similar to PROC MEANS.
8) What does PROC GLM do?
PROC GLM (General Linear Model) performs simple and multiple regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance, and repeated measures analysis of variance.
9) Name types of classes in which SAS Informats are set.
SAS informats are set in three classes:
10) What does the CATX function do?
The CATX function concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing spaces, and inserts separators.
11) What is the use of PROC GPLOT?
PROC GPLOT creates more detailed and colorful graphical outputs compared to other plotting procedures like PROC PLOT.
12) What is PROC in SAS?
In SAS, PROC steps (Procedures) analyze and process data in a SAS dataset. They control routines that perform tasks like sorting, summarizing, and listing.
13) What is a SAS dataset?
A SAS dataset consists of two parts:
14) List out some key concepts of SAS.
Some key concepts in SAS include:
15) What is factor analysis?
Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to reduce a large number of observed variables into fewer latent variables, which can explain the patterns of correlations within the observed data.
16) How does SAS treat the DSD delimiters?
When you define DSD (Delimited Data), SAS treats two consecutive delimiters as a missing value and removes quotes from character values.
17) What are good SAS programming practices for processing large datasets?
Good SAS programming practices for processing large datasets include:
18) How to include or exclude specific variables in a SAS dataset?
To include or exclude specific variables in a dataset, use the DROP and KEEP statements or dataset options.
19) How does the SUBSTR function work in SAS?
The SUBSTR function extracts a substring from a character variable.
20) What SAS features do you use to check errors and data validation?
To check errors, use the Log. For data validation, use procedures like PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS, or PROC PRINT to inspect the data.
21) What are the ways to do a "table lookup" in SAS?
There are several ways to do a "table lookup" in SAS, including:
22) How will you generate test data with no input data?
You can generate test data with no input data using the PUT statement and DATA NULL.
23) What are the differences between CEIL and FLOOR functions in SAS?
24) What are the differences between SAS functions and procedures?
25) How to remove duplicates using PROC SQL?
To remove duplicates using PROC SQL, use the following code:
Copy code
proc sql noprint;
create table unique_data as
select distinct *
from original_data;
26) What are common programming errors in a SAS dataset?
Common programming errors in SAS include:
27) How to limit decimal places for a variable using PROC MEANS?
To limit decimal places for a variable, use the MAXDEC= option in PROC MEANS.
28) What are the differences between the SAS DATA STEP and SAS PROCs?
29) What is the use of the STOP statement?
A STOP statement is used to prevent infinite looping in a SET statement.
30) What is RUN-Group processing?
RUN-Group processing allows submitting a PROC step using a RUN statement without ending the procedure.
31) How to test debugging in SAS?
To debug in SAS, use the DEBUG option in the DATA statement.
32) How to create a permanent SAS dataset?
To create a permanent SAS dataset, you need to:
33) What is SLIBREF?
SLIBREF is a server libref used by the server to identify the SAS data library when no physical name is determined, and the server libref is different from the client libref.
34) What are the default statistics that PROC MEANS produce?
The default statistics that PROC MEANS produce are:
35) What is the difference between Match Merge and One-to-One Merge?
36) What are the features of SAS?
Key features of SAS include:
37) What is the function of the STOP statement in a SAS Program?
The STOP statement tells SAS to stop processing the current DATA step immediately and move to the next step.
38) What is the difference between using DROP= dataset option in DATA statement and SET statement?
39) How to read the last observation to a new dataset from an unsorted SAS dataset?
To read the last observation to a new dataset, use the END= dataset option.
Copy code
data last_obs;
set original_data end=last;
if last;
40) What is the difference between reading data from an external file and reading data from an existing SAS dataset?
41) How does the RETAIN statement work in SAS?
The RETAIN statement in SAS allows you to keep the value of a variable from one iteration of the DATA step to the next without resetting it to a missing value.
42) What is the difference between a BY statement and a CLASS statement in PROC MEANS?
43) What is the difference between a FORMAT statement and an INFORMAT statement in SAS?
44) What is the significance of the LENGTH statement in SAS?
The LENGTH statement in SAS is used to define the number of bytes allocated for storing character or numeric variables. It must be placed before any variable assignment or INPUT statement to be effective.
45) How to use the RENAME= dataset option in SAS?
The RENAME= dataset option allows you to rename variables while reading a dataset or before writing to a new dataset.
Copy code
data new_data;
set old_data(rename=(old_var=new_var));
46) What are the different types of MERGE in SAS?
The different types of MERGE in SAS include:
47) What is the difference between INFILE and INPUT statements in SAS?
48) What is a PUT statement in SAS?
The PUT statement writes data to an external file or the SAS log. It is often used for debugging and custom reporting.
49) What is a DATA NULL step, and when is it used?
A DATA NULL step is used when you want to execute DATA step processing without creating a dataset. It is often used for writing custom reports, debugging, or creating macro variables.
50) How do you calculate the mean of a variable in SAS?
You can calculate the mean of a variable using PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY. For example:
Copy code
proc means data=dataset;
var variable_name;
51) What is the difference between KEEP and DROP statements in SAS?
52) What are the differences between DO WHILE and DO UNTIL statements in SAS?
53) How to read specific columns from a dataset in SAS?
To read specific columns, use the KEEP= or DROP= options in the SET statement.
Copy code
data new_data;
set old_data(keep=column1 column2);
54) What is the purpose of the OUTPUT statement in SAS?
The OUTPUT statement in SAS writes the current observation to one or more datasets. It can be used to create multiple datasets within a single DATA step.
55) How do you assign a library in SAS?
You can assign a library in SAS using the LIBNAME statement.
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libname mylib 'C:\SAS\Datasets';
56) What is the difference between PROC SORT and SORT PROCEDURE in SAS?
PROC SORT is the actual procedure used to sort data in a SAS dataset. There is no separate SORT PROCEDURE in SAS.
57) How to remove trailing spaces from a string in SAS?
Use the STRIP or TRIM functions to remove trailing spaces from a string in SAS.
Copy code
new_string = strip(old_string);
58) How do you transpose data in SAS?
Use PROC TRANSPOSE to transpose data from rows to columns or vice versa.
Copy code
proc transpose data=dataset out=new_dataset;
by id;
var varname;
59) What is the difference between a temporary and a permanent SAS dataset?
60) How do you create a macro variable in SAS?
You can create a macro variable using the %LET statement.
Copy code
%let myvar = 100;
61) What are the advantages of using the SAS system?
Advantages of using the SAS system include:
62) What is the difference between the RETAIN and SUM statements in SAS?
These updates ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.
63) Distinction between PROC MEANS and PROC SUMMARY?
Proc MEANS as a matter of course delivers printed yield in the OUTPUT window while Proc SUMMARY doesn't. Incorporation of the PRINT choice on the Proc SUMMARY proclamation will yield results to the yield window.
Excluding the var proclamation in PROC MEANS examinations all the numeric variable while precluding the variable assertion in PROC SUMMARY creates a basic tally of perception.
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